The project: close future
Our planet demands attention
We precisely predict where to look at
We would like to acquire more data, relative to temperature, CO, O3, water vapor, relative humidity, cloud properties, methane, outgoing longwave radiation, surface properties, tropopause, geopotential height, planetary boundary layer, and flag values for dust and sulfur dioxide, in order to compare and search for more conclusions.
Prepare our application to make it easy to read and understand all data received from desired satelites and could be used by anyone who need the data for any other purpose, in order to cross-correlate with climate models and prevent local impacts.
Future work
- User GeoLocalizacion
- IoT (Internet Of Things")
- Various prepared data format: Correlation graphics, Gradient Maps, ...
- Tuning on temporal context, to assure fast data process and keep User eXperience
- Other APIs integration
- Future Estimations
- Social Media integration to push analyzed data results